Indestructible | Robbie Williams |


Testo Indestructible

I close my eyes

All my life
Been indestructible, I've never known why
Tell you no lie
Indestructible, I'm never gonna die
My dignity was taken from me and I cried
I cried
Been beaten up and been brought to my knees but survived
I survived

Undefeated, defeated by nothing
Undefeated, running and running
Undefeated, but still I keep coming

Indestructible, all of my life
Indestructible, all of my life

I close my eyes

Tell me I'm wrong
I'm indestructible, I'll come to no harm
Tell me about you
You're indestructible but fragile too
I've only been what I wanted to be what's the crime
What the crime
Did my best didn't always succeed but I try
I try

Undefeated, defeated by nothing
Undefeated, running and running
Undefeated, but still I keep coming

Indestructible, all of my life
Indestructible, all of my life

I close my eyes in search of something sacred
I end up chasing my own shadow in the dark
And all the times I thought I wouldn't make it
I couldn't take but it was always in my heart
In my heart

Indestructible, all of my life
Indestructible, all of my life
Indestructible, I don't know why
Indestructible, all of my life
Indestructible, all of my life
Indestructible, I don't know why

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